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AWS edge networking lookbook

Success stories from customers in media and entertainment, gaming, energy, financial services, e-commerce, and automotive

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Whether you’re looking to deliver fast and secure websites, accelerate APIs and dynamic content delivery, provide live streaming/on-demand video, or deliver any kind of application data, you need an easy-to-use network that reliably delivers the required performance to every user. To meet the needs of your organization, this network also needs to be secure and cost-effective.

To overcome these challenges, you need a network that not only meets your needs today, but can scale to deliver data and applications reliably and securely with high performance and availability as you grow your global userbase. Your network should be able to satisfy the high expectations and requirements of every user—regardless of their location or device.

To help customers deliver applications, the AWS purpose-built global network infrastructure is available to you through AWS edge services. AWS edge networking services transmit your user-facing data securely and with improved latency worldwide. Networking services Amazon CloudFront, AWS Global Accelerator, and Amazon Route 53 sit at our global edge locations, which are connected by dedicated 100 Gbps redundant fiber to deliver data with single-digit millisecond AWS network latency.