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Modernize Strategic Initiatives & Critical Applications with Amazon DocumentDB

Speaker: Karthik Vijayraghaven, Senior DocumentDB Specialist [Session Level - 300]

Organizations across various domains are rapidly shifting from legacy systems used for application development and data management to modern platforms. Application modernization has become imperative for these organizations to provide a digital-first experience for their customers. Traditionally, organizations have built monolithic architectures that initially served them well, however today’s on-demand business environment demands an architecture that can support a flexible and scalable approach to facilitate innovation and faster time to market. NoSQL databases, such as document databases, support flexible schema and scale out architecture that facilitates rapid application development and provides optimal performance to meet customers’ expectations in today's digital economy. In this session, learn how AWS customers are leveraging Amazon DocumentD (with MongoDB compatibility) to improve performance, scalability, time to market, and cost by modernizing their legacy applications.